Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3rd: The Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

O sing a new song to the Lord;
sing to the Lord, all the earth.
O sing to the Lord,
bless his name.
This Christmas Season it gives me great joy to share with you the message of hope and love that must fill the hearts of all the members of the Confraternity of the most Holy Names of God and Jesus.  Like the light that dispels the darkness, so this "Good News" - the coming of Our Savior - is reason to rejoice. No wonder that not just the psalm cited here but almost all the one hundred fifty psalms make explicit mention of the Holy Name of God.

This light of grace can dispel the darkness of unbelief of ignorance and outright blasphemy toward all that is holy.  Today, January 3rd, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus.  I will offer a special Mass today asking blessings on the members of our Confraternity of the Holy Name both living and deceased.  I urge all who are able, to attend Mass in their respective parishes, or pray at home the Litany to the Holy Name of Jesus and make reparations, so that the Holy Name of Jesus will be honored, loved. and preached to all who have not yet heard the good news.

There are many reasons we should rejoice and be glad and have great hope for the Holy Name apostolate: the recent revival of the Holy Name Society here in Saint Mary's Cathedral San Francisco, with fifteen new members inducted last month; the stirring and challenging message of the newly installed Archbishop of Seattle who called on those present at his installation to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and actively work to foster the love and respect for the Person, Jesus Christ; the promising response to the technological advances the communications team of the NAHNS have diligently pursued this past year to more effectively disseminate information about the Holy Name Society; together with the ongoing works of mercy and service provided by our prison ministry teams; all contribute to our reason for singing out loud and clear in this New Year: all praise and glory to His Holy Name!

Let us then not curse the darkness but light the candle of faith hope and love.  Let us encourage a renewed devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus and exercise the gift of our Holy Name membership!  Blessed be the most Holy Name of Jesus!

Father Thomas Hayes O.P.
Spiritual Moderator, NAHNS

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