Jesus taught us the definition of true love and gave us a plan of how to take care of each other, unfortunately man has turned his back on our Creators divine plan for our society and our world and has instead created his own self centered definition of love. This has resulted in an incorrect view of the Sacrament of Marriage in our society. We are now turning a Sacrament designed by God to give us special graces and a divine plan for living together in peace, harmony and spiritual growth and are turning it into a Sacrilege against God and an assault on the human family. Seems that man individually and collectively has forgotten that the primary purpose of his existence in this life is to to obtain the goal of eternal salvation.
The Supreme Court is getting ready to make a ruling this year on gay marriages. We must pray for Divine Guidance for deliverance from the evils of gay marriage which shamefully have taken over our country. The book of Genesis tells us through the story of Sodom and Gomorrah that the sin of homosexuality is indeed a very grave matter in God's eyes and requires us as faithful followers of Jesus Christ to love the sinner, but to hate the sin. We also know that the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which God ultimately destroyed by fire, would have been spared from destruction had there been only ten good men to pray for them (Gen.18:16-33).
It is imperative that we as members of the Holy Name Society mobilize our Society members, parishioners, neighbors the same way Pope Gregory X did in 1274. Then great evils threatened the world, the church was assailed by fierce enemies from within and without. So great was the danger that the Pope called a council of Bishops in Lyons, France to determine the best means of saving society from the ruins that menaced it. Among the many means proposed, the Pope and Bishops chose what they considered the best and most efficacious of all, devotion to the most Holy Name of Jesus and the frequent reverent repetition of the Holy Name of Jesus. Over 700 years later the Confraternity of the most Holy Name of God and Jesus - the Holy Name Society - is here to once again carry this message to the world.
The Holy Name of Jesus has great saving power. In Lisbon, Spain a devastating plague broke out in 1432, Bishop Monsignor Andre Dias seeing that the epidemic, far from diminishing, grew every day in intensity urged the people to call on the Holy Name of Jesus. The plague almost immediately ceased and the city was freed from from the dread sickness.
Today our plague of homosexuality and gay marriage is threatening our society. There is a Supreme Court decision looming on the horizon that has the potential to right this evil. Doing nothing is not an option. The Holy Name of Jesus is a powerful weapon, let's use it.
Terry Ratajczyk
Archdiocesan Association of Holy Name Societies
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Michael D. Gores
Marketing Communications Director
National Association of the Holy Name Society
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