Monday, May 8, 2017

Who are Holy Name Society Members?

Who are Holy Name Society members, this is a question we get asked many times as we attempt to recruit members to this special Confraternity of the Catholic Church.

Holy Name Society members are basically Catholics living out our faith lives in our parish communities - praying to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ. Each and every member is seeking to strengthen their faith.

When we read or hear His gospel message, we open ourselves up to all of His gifts given through the Holy Spirit. I can honestly say that the members of this Society attempt to grow closer to Jesus Christ each day. Our families also grow spiritually as well. Yes, we also try to evangelize by sharing our love of Christ with others in our families, parishes, neighborhoods and in our work place - where ever God has placed us.

The Catholic Church promoted the foundation of this Society, which has established it's purpose for giving honor and praise to the most Holy Name of Jesus Christ and the promotion of a more perfect life for its members, the exercise of pious or charitable works and the increase of public worship. Holy Name Society members accomplish all of this through prayer, frequent reception of the Sacraments and fraternal cooperation in the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

The general purpose of this confraternity is to "Honor the name of God and Jesus Christ." The Society presents to its members a program of piety and fellowship that generates the spiritual qualities necessary for full participation in a sincere private and public devotion to God. It is difficult for any parish, diocese, community, nation or country to be truly at peace or experience true joy without the piety of it members.

All of our parishes and dioceses are in desperate need of pious men and women who are willing to grow in personal holiness and to publicly give Honor and Glory to our Lord and Savior and to spread the love that Jesus taught us to all those we encounter.

Members of this special confraternity are indeed vibrant and committed to spreading this special devotion to the Most Holy Name of Jesus Christ - come and see!

Raymond W. Zientara, Executive Director
Diocesan Union of Holy Name Societies
Diocese of Buffalo, New York

edited by: Michael D. Gores
Archdiocesan Association of Holy Name Societies
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota

Holy Name Pledge

Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
I believe O Jesus.
That Thou are the Christ.
The Son of the Living God.
I proclaim my love.
For the Vicar of Christ on Earth.
I believe all the sacred truths
Which the Holy Catholic Church
Believes and teaches.
I promise to give good example
By the regular practice
Of my faith.
In honor of His Divine Name
I pledge myself against perjury,
Blasphemy, profanity and obscene speech.
I pledge my loyalty
To the flag of my country.
And to the God given principles
Of freedom, justice and happiness.
For which it stands.
I pledge my support
To all lawful authority
Both civil and religious.
I dedicate myself
To the honor of the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ
And beg that He will keep me faithful
To these pledges
Until Death.

May God bless your resolutions; may His holy angels and saints assist you to keep them.
Laboring during your whole life for the glory and honor of the Holy Name of God,
may you merit to share in the glory of the apostles, martyrs and confessors,
who labored and died for the Name of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Name Pledge is to be recited at all Holy Name Society occasions - especially at the closing exercises and at all Receptions of members into the Confraternity.

"Official Holy Name Manual"
Copyright 1937
National Headquarters of the Holy Name Society

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